North Dakota State University's Carrington Research Extension Center will hold its annual NDSU Feedlot School on Jan. 24-25, 2012.
This intensive course is for cattle producers, feeders, backgrounders, feed industry personnel, animal health-care suppliers and anyone else who is
interested in learning more about feedlot production, nutrition, waste management and marketing.
"There are new markets for fat cattle much closer to our North Dakota feedlots, which will lower transportation costs," says Vern Anderson, animal scientist at the center. "This, coupled with increased demand for USDA Choice beef by the world market, provides opportunity for feeding our exceptionally high-quality cattle right here in North Dakota."
Feedlot School topics will include future opportunities for feeding cattle; animal nutritional requirements; feed additives and implant strategies; feed
processing/mixing and nutrient optimization; ration formulation and break-even calculation; feeds and feed testing; facility management; diseases, treatments and health programs; feed delivery; bunk reading; waste and nutrient management; carcass quality and marketing on the grid; using market information for strategic planning; risk management with pricing opportunities; budgeting; custom feeding; and business management. The school also will include tours of a commercial feedlot and the CREC livestock facilities.
Instructors include faculty from NDSU's Animal Sciences Department and the Carrington and North Central Research Extension Centers, as well as others who have extensive experience working with northern Plains feedlots.
The registration fee is $100 per person or $150 for two people from the same operation. A three-ring feedlot school binder is included with the registration. The deadline to register is Jan. 17. The fee does not include lodging.
Participants must make their own lodging arrangements. Lodging is available at the Chieftain Conference Center, (701) 652-3131, or the Carrington Inn and Suites, (701) 652-3982.
For more information about the course or to register, contact Foster County Extension agent Joel Lemer at (701) 652-2581 or
The Carrington Research Extension Center is 3.5 miles north of Carrington on U.S. Highway 281.