Monday, July 23, 2012

Applications for September mentored waterfowl hunt due Aug. 13

Youth who want to experience waterfowl hunting for the first time can apply by Monday, Aug. 13, to be one 80 participants in this year's mentored youth waterfowl hunt on Saturday, Sept. 8, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) said.

Hunts, which are open to youth ages 12-15 who have earned a firearms safety certificate, will be conducted at Hamden Slough near Detroit Lakes and the Morris Wildlife Production Area near Morris as well on private lands in the Prior Lake, Windom, Buffalo and Little Falls areas.

A parent or guardian must accompany the youth at all times during all orientation, education and field sessions that occur during the mandatory hunt orientation meeting on Friday, Sept. 7, and the Saturday hunt.
Youth and guardians are paired with experienced waterfowl mentors, who do more than take a youth and a guardian into the field for a Saturday morning hunt. Before venturing out, mentors will spend time Friday discussing the importance and necessity of habitat as well as explain and demonstrate waterfowl hunting safety, techniques and outdoor skills.

"Mentored hunts provide the basic know-how from an experienced waterfowl hunter so youth and their parent or guardian can venture out on their own in the future," said Mike Kurre, DNR mentoring program coordinator.

Partners, who provide mentors and areas to hunt, are Ducks Unlimited, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Delta Waterfowl, Midwest Extreme Outdoors, Russell Outdoors and the Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club.
If the number of applications exceeds the number of available spaces, participants will be selected via lottery. Applying for hunts farther from the Twin Cities increases the likelihood of being selected.

The mentored youth waterfowl hunt occurs on Youth Waterfowl Day, a specially designated day during which any adult can share their waterfowl hunting experiences by taking a youth 15 and younger waterfowl hunting. Only the youth may hunt.

Visit for an application or call the DNR Information Center at 651-296-6157 or toll-free 888-646-6367 for more information.

(via MN DNR)