Under the federal Clean Water Act and
The purpose of the state program is to protect water resources from pollutants, particularly sediment, as well as nutrients, oil, chemicals and litter carried with runoff. In addition, the program strives to prevent this runoff from flooding streams and lakes and damaging habitat for fish and wildlife.
The MPCA issues a general permit that requires controls for construction stormwater runoff. When construction site owners and operators apply for coverage under the general permit, they agree to comply with the conditions set in the permit.
The current permit expires on
While the primary changes concern federal rules, the changes also include reorganization of the permit language. The draft permit includes clarifications and minor language changes to make the permit more concise, to delete duplicate or unneeded language, and to make the permit more readable and easier to understand.
In addition, the MPCA will require that permit applications be submitted electronically to achieve greater efficiency.
The MPCA values comments by stakeholders and will provide equitable access for all who wish to comment and learn about the permit. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to ask questions about the draft permit at a public information meeting on March 8, beginning at
Comments, which must be writing, are due by
For more information, visit the MPCA’s Public Notices webpage.