Minn. – Motorists on Highway 75 between Euclid and Warren will
experience a detour beginning May 31 as crews replace 20 miles of
pavement and culverts.
detour is located west of Highway 75 on Marshall County Road 15/Polk
County Road 20 through Sherack and Polk County Road 19 to Euclid. It is
expected to last until mid-July, weather permitting.
remaining portion of the project will be done under traffic and will be
complete in early August. Drivers are urged to slow down and be alert
for workers along the highway right of way.
River Materials is the contractor for the $4.6 million project. The
work will ensure a smoother and safer roadway with better drainage for
motorists in the region.
MnDOT urges motorists to follow these recommendations in work zones:
stay alert; watch for signs, equipment and workers; minimize
distractions, such as using cell phones, eating or drinking; avoid
tailgating; follow posted speed limits and directional signs; and stay
in one lane while driving through the work zone.