CROOKSTON, Minn. – Northwest Regional Sustainable
Development Partnership (NWRSDP) is seeking community members in Northwestern
Minnesota to serve on its board of directors.
Each of the five Regional Partnerships (Southeast,
Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Central) is citizen-driven, building
community-University partnerships that create new opportunities and solve
problems in Greater Minnesota. The Partnerships are a division of University of
Minnesota Extension.
According to Linda Kingery, executive director, board
members function as a team, working with local communities to identify and
implement projects that foster sustainability in agriculture and food systems,
tourism and resilient communities, natural resources, and clean energy.
Members of the NWRSDP board also:
solicit, evaluate, and vote on proposals
participate in regular boards and focus area work group meetings--both
in-person and by conference calls--contributing time, energy, and insight to
serve for three years with mileage and honorarium for agreed upon meetings and
special assignments.
Board membership is open to residents of Greater
Minnesota and University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and students. To be
considered for a position, please submit your application by Friday, May
15, 2015 for terms starting in July of 2015.
For more information, see "Board members
information and application" at