Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Spring truck weight restrictions end for southern, metro, central frost zones

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Spring truck weight restrictions on state highways will end Friday, May 9 in the southeast, south and metro frost zones. The restrictions will end in the central Minnesota frost zone on Tuesday, May 13, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Spring load restrictions are still in effect in the north-central and north frost zones.
Ending dates for spring load restrictions are established by monitoring roadway strength as weather conditions change. 

Road restriction maps indicating the locations of weight-restricted routes and state highways open to maximum 10-ton axle weights are listed on the MnDOT website at www.mrr.dot.state.mn.us. Click on “Seasonal Load Limits,” then click on “Spring Load Restrictions” for the most up-to-date information. 

The information also is available toll-free by calling 1-800-723-6543 in the United States and Canada or by calling 651-366-5400 in the Twin Cities area.

Middle-range overweight permits become available within each frost zone when spring load restrictions are lifted. Full-summer overweight permits become available within each frost zone starting two to three weeks after spring load restrictions are lifted.

Travelers in Minnesota can get up-to-date information on road conditions, construction and weather reports by dialing 511 or visiting www.511mn.org.